Hello and Howdy!

I’m homesick for a place that does not exist.

…maybe you are too.

Welcome to my newsletter: Raised by Wolves.

I’m looking for more people like me. Perhaps an island of me. Sounds silly, but I’m sure that I’m not so unique that I’m all alone. I’m sure there are those of you who are troubled by the world and have interests that exist outside of the current norm, because you realize that a great many things aren’t working. That for too long you have been marginalized by an all powerful faceless entity you can’t quite put your finger on.

My name is Kristian and during the day I mix audio for various TV shows including Ellen, Chelsea Lately and Tosh.O, Hannibal Buress and many others. During the evenings I occasionally mix music for various artists such as Bad Religion, Macy Gray, Blake Shelton, Collective Soul etc. In-between all that I write Dragon and Mr. Sneeze, a fantasy kid fiction book series as the Blue Skeleton. Along with this blog, Raised by Wolves, I also co-produce music for my wife Zinnia.

What you should expect from this Newsletter.

1: Updates from Zinnia.

2: Updates from Dragon and Mr. Sneeze.

3: Blog posts including interviews from famous friends and or important people who I find interesting, as well as the occasional rant and or life hack, because I can’t find things that work like a good razor.

Be good, be well,

The Blue Skeleton
